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Paper companies for a long time "detoxification" pollution of water only 5,000 fines

Upload Time:2017/09/06 来源:

  "Only once watering the water in this river, my white radish will rot.。On September 17, Qi Zhenjing, a villager in his sixties in Dadianzi Village, Modaoshi Town, Yangming District, stood in front of two acres and a half of white radish land, and his face was sad to reflect to reporters that the village Defeng Paper Co., Ltd. sewage brought him distress。

  Villager: After pouring the river water radish root

  9月16日,Mr. Qi Zhenjing telephoned reporters to reflect,At the beginning of this year,He signed a two-mu white radish supply contract with Mudanjiang Zhonglong Trading Company,Contract provision,Price based on quality,If the yield reaches 10,000 jin per mu,The company pays 3,000 yuan per mu,If the yield can't reach 10,000 jin per mu,The price will be reduced by ten cents per catty。However, due to the serious drought this year, there was no rain for more than a month, but the river water was used once, and the result was that most white radishes were rotten and could not fulfill the contract。

  The next day, the reporter came to Dadianzi village。Led by Mr. Qi to the white radish field。"Don't look at the green leaves on the surface, the root of the radish is rotten.。Mr. Qi pulled out radishes from different positions to show reporters。Reporters saw that the radish has grown very large, some have two or three pounds of weight, but each radish has no root。

  Site: The paper mill drain is close to the river

  Mr. Qi led the reporter to a small river several dozen meters north of the radish field。The reporter saw that the two banks of the river showed yellow and white, and there was no trace of life in the river。A few hundred meters up the river, behind a smoky factory building, there are two drainage outlets next to the river. In front of the outlet, there is a drainage ditch 70 or 80 meters long, and the entire surface of the ditch is deposited with a layer of pale yellow material。The reporter entered the factory from the main gate and saw that the factory yard was full of waste paper。

  Mr. Wang, a villager, said that the river was so clear that in summer, children in the village went to play with water and fish in the river, and some women often washed clothes in the river。Since the paper factory was built, the villagers have been afraid to touch the river。"My family has four cows, sometimes grazing, cattle to the river never drink the water.。Chickens and ducks can no longer be kept by the river because they will be poisoned to death if they drink the polluted water。”

  The secretary of Dadianzi village, Qi, testified to the harm caused by small paper mills to villagers。Secretary Qi said that Defeng Paper Co., Ltd. was established in 2002 and is an enterprise to attract investment。In recent years, due to the long-term discharge of pollution into the river, 500 mu of land along the river in the village has been affected。Secretary Qi told reporters that the downstream of the polluted river flows through Qingping Village, Xiaoweizigou, Fuchang village, four villages and has been flowing into Mudan River。Last year, a fish farmer surnamed Ren in Sidao village,10 kilometers away, pumped water from the river into his fish pond and all his fish died。

  Environmental protection department: The responsible unit has been punished

  The person in charge of the supervision detachment of Mudanjiang Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau said that on September 7, after receiving the report, law enforcement officials immediately went to the scene to investigate。On-site inspection by law enforcement officers found that the pump room of the plant was being overhauled and the sewage facilities had been suspended。Law enforcement personnel sampled from the main outlet, and the monitoring results showed that COD exceeded the standard。On September 20, law enforcement officers went to the scene again and found that the sewage facilities had begun to operate。The person in charge said that the enterprise violated Article 21, paragraph 2, of the Water Pollution Prevention Law。Environmental Protection Bureau in accordance with the "Water pollution Prevention and Control Law" article 73 of the fine of 5,000 yuan, the enterprise has paid, the next step, the environmental protection Bureau will strengthen the operation of the facility supervision。